School Sanitation Programme

The ‘School Sanitation Programme’ sought to construct sanitation units with toilets and urinals for boys and girls, and improve awareness on sanitation issues among teachers and children in 144 schools in Koraput and Angul districts in Odisha.

The project aimed to develop quality sanitation enabling infrastructure in the schools and build awareness around hygiene and sanitation amongst children.


144 schools


Koraput, Angul in Odisha




March to October 2015


₹ 3.63 crore


NALCO Foundation


  • Sensitise identified schools and build motivation for the programme
  • Design technical support for construction of sanitation facilities
  • Technical support for identification of water source, construction of overhead water tank and distribution system
  • Prepare technical plans and estimates for each school and ensure feasibility of design
  • Conduct/organise trainings around leadership and management related to water and sanitation with school committees and students
  • Regular programme monitoring and communication with NALCO


  • Sanitation units with handwashing facilities in all identified schools
  • 14 schools provided with access to clean drinking water and piped water supply in toilets
  • Improved awareness among teachers and students on good WASH practices
  • 144 School Management Committees were activated, and sensitised and capacities built for management of school WASH infrastructure
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