Project Swabhiman

‘Project Swabhiman’ will support the construction of individual household toilets and bathing rooms in twelve tribal dominated villages of Keonjhar district in Odisha.

The project aims to eliminate the practice of open defecation in twelve identified villages and sensitise the community on the importance of safe and healthy WASH practices towards triggering behaviour change in toilet usage and bathrooms.


800 households, 12 villages


Keonjhar in Odisha




October 2015 to July 2020


₹ 6.34 crore


Tata Steel Long Products Limited


  • Constitution of Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSC) with participation of all adult female and male head of households
  • Capacity building of village representatives and committees on leadership, fund management, gender issues and policy on water
  • Leverage ₹12,000 subsidy from Swachh Bharat Abhiyan for toilet constructions, wherever possible
  • Construction of toilets and bathing rooms for every household
  • Training village youth in plumbing and masonry for construction
  • Behaviour change communication and education in toilet use, hygiene practices like handwashing, personal cleanliness, menstrual hygiene etc
  • Working with women, children and school children to promote toilet use and maintenance, solid waste disposal and overall environmental sanitation


  • 800 households received individual household toilets and bathing rooms.
  • 3 villages received piped water supply systems connected to every household tap.
  • Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSC) constituted in 12 villages.
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