Oracle Virtual Classrooms

The ‘Oracle Virtual Classrooms’ project continues to support four Gram Vikas tribal residential schools to enhance their capacity to use ICT materials and STEM in the classroom for enhancement in scientific and technical literacy. The project provides scope to establish digital libraries for 100% digital literacy and integration of skills and career based courses for students.

The project aims to enhance the scientific and technical literacy skills of teachers and students of four Gram Vikas tribal residential schools.


1271 students, 63 teachers, 4 Schools


Kalahandi, Ganjam, Gajapati in Odisha




April 2019 to March 2020


₹ 48.09 lakh


Oracle Giving through Charities Aid Foundation India


  • Strengthening of Oracle Virtual Classrooms  
  • Skill & career orientation for tribal  students
  • Development and use of ICT materials in the classrooms
  • Support continuous learning process through training and workshops




  • Access to digital learning materials for students and teachers 
  • Career counselling for students, most of them first generation learners, to make informed choices based on their interest, abilities, and financial capabilities 
  • The idea of Rural Innovators incited among students and students are encouraged to test out prototypes.
  • STEM learning strategies for the schools are developed and teachers are capable to run it on their own and bring in innovations; students make use of the same and are allowed to expand their worldview through experimentation.
  • The processes and learning are passed on to newly joined teachers and learning is continuous
  • Models prepared on Physics, Biology etc. contribute to visual distinction and allow faster comprehension.
  • Science learning promoted in Govt. schools in the locality.
  • “Oracle ICT Learning Centre and Innovation Lab” promoted as space for innovation and tinkering.
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