Oracle Smart Community Project for information and connectivity services to farmers, migrants and ICDS beneficiaries in tribal areas of Odisha
The strengthened ‘Oracle Smart Community Interface - Information and Connectivity Services to Farmers and Migrant Workers in Tribal Areas of Odisha’ project will support farmers with agronomic and market information, migrant workers with connectivity and financial services; teachers and students with digital literacy programmes, skills and career courses; and families and ICDS staff with health, hygiene and nutrition education.
The project aims to develop a community-owned and managed model of information management that uses information and communication technologies to improve the quality of life of village communities in areas with limited physical access and connectivity.

500 farmers and migrant workers, 10 villages
Ganjam, Gajapati, Kalahandi in Odisha
April 2020 to March 2021
₹60 lakh
Oracle Giving through Charities Aid Foundation, India
- Procurement of hardware systems, purchasing/development of software applications
- Collection and compilation of relevant farm inputs, market, health and information on migrants to feed into the software
- Training of entrepreneurs and village level cadres
- COVID-19 related awareness provided to 108 migrant workers and their families in 27 villages
- Community members in selected villages of 3 blocks with limited or no telephone/internet connectivity access locally relevant information at their doorsteps
- 257 farmers increase their income as a result of receiving market price information on a daily basis
- Initiated orientation of migrant workers and their families with financial literacy modules in 63 villages of Kalahandi
- Migrant database of 3 blocks of Ganjam, Gajapati and Kalahandi compiled as part of preparing a block profile
- ICDS beneficiaries in 3 project villages of Gajapati district practice better preventive health practices on a seasonal basis by receiving information
- 22 village level entrepreneurs/cadres trained to support farmers in their villages for promoting climate resilient agriculture