Odisha Tribal Empowerment & Livelihoods Programme

The 'Odisha Tribal Empowerment & Livelihoods Programme' (OTELP) seeks to ensure that the livelihoods and food security of poor tribal households are sustainably improved through promoting a more efficient, equitable, self-managed and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources at their disposal and through off-farm/non-farm enterprise development. The programme is implemented in 128 villages in Gajapati and Kalahandi districts of Odisha.

The programme aims to improve the quality of life of poor tribal households in remote areas through livelihood support and food security.


6567 households, 128 villages


Gajapati, Kalahandi in Odisha




December 2004 to present


INR16.42 crore


ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha


  • Build the capacity of marginal groups as individuals, and grassroots institutions
  • Enhance the access of poor tribal people to land, water and forests and increase the productivity of these resources in environmentally sustainable and socially equitable ways
  • Encourage and facilitate off-farm enterprise development focused on the needs of poor tribal households
  • Monitor the basic food entitlements of tribal households and ensure their access to public food supplies
  • Build on the indigenous knowledge and values of tribals and blend these with technological innovations to ensure a speedier pace of development
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