Odisha Disaster Recovery Project
In October 2013, Cyclone Phailin struck Odisha severely damaging shelter and livelihoods of around 12 million people. On the invitation from the government of Odisha, Gram Vikas became the socio-technical partner for the reconstruction of disaster-resilient houses, under the Odisha Disaster Recovery Project.
The ODRP project aimed to assist Phailin-affected communities of Ganjam and Khorda districts to reduce their vulnerability through the construction of pucca houses with disaster resilient features.

16,568 families, 175 villages
Ganjam, Khorda in Odisha
July 2014 to December 2017
INR18.78 crore
Odisha State Disaster Management Authority
- Housing
- 12,377 houses constructed in relocation sites
- Electrification of 12,971 households in 73 relocation sites
- All houses insured against multi-hazards for 10 years
- Water & Sanitation
- 14,377 toilets & bathing rooms constructed
- 107 VWSCs formed and 100 registered
- 127 relocation sites get piped water supply system set up by the government with Gram Vikas support
- Livelihoods
- 2613 house owners undergo Advanced & Accelerated Training in Masonry
- 416 landless, unemployed households supported in establishing small businesses
- Relocation Site Development
- 50 sites with kitchen gardens benefitting 4000 families
- 7,115 trees planted in 65 relocation sites
- Construction of model Anganwadis, the government mother and child care centres
- Governance
- 236 village level training organised for Village Level Committees & Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Strengthened the community through transfer of technical knowledge for disaster resilient house construction
- Supported community mobilisation and conflict resolution
- Enabled skill development in masonry for alternate livelihood
- Designed a Management Information System with individual beneficiary information, land allotment details, and land acquisition progress and construction, fund release and occupation status in the new settlements
- Created site-wise habitation plans with provisions for basic infrastructure, civic amenities, and community facilities
- Developed sewerage and waste management and plantation for aiding relocation