
Increasing Access to Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services

The 'Increasing Access to Improved Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Services' project seeks to ensure piped water supply connections at the household and school levels, and to deepen and integrate water, sanitation and hygiene outcomes. The project is implemented in the villages of Ganjam and Gajapati districts in Odisha.

The project aims to set up village level water supply systems, provide household and school level piped water supply connections.


19 villages, 1054 households, 27 schools


Ganjam and Gajapati in Odisha




January 2019 to July 2020


INR 3.50 crore


charity: water


  • Mobilisation of village communities
  • Strengthening of the Village Water Sanitation Committee (VWSC)
  • Building piped water supply system with household tap connections
  • Training in water quality management
  • Awareness generation on water source sustainability


  • 5,771 total daily water users served.
  • 4,959 unique water users served.
  • Established 19 village water supply systems, 1025 household water points, 29 school water points. 
  • 19 VWSC training conducted benefitting 152 persons. Operators trained on technical aspects of piped water supply and VWSC members for Leadership training. 
  • Training and awareness generation programme on WASH, Water Source Sustainability, Water quality management conducted in 19 villages covering 1054 households.
  • Baseline survey done in 18 villages.
  • Water quality systems put in place in 19 villages.
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