Holistic Water and Food Security in Remote Rural and Tribal Odisha

The project ‘Holistic Water and Food Security in Remote Rural and Tribal Odisha’ sought to ensure access to safe water and sanitation for 525 families and improve land productivity and livelihood potential of 1303 families in 27 villages in Thuamul Rampur block of Kalahandi district in Odisha.  

The project aimed to improve women and child health and food security of marginalised communities in Kalahandi district of Odisha.


893 households, 26 villages


Kalahandi in Odisha




September 2012 to June 2016


₹ 2.78 crore


Karl Kübel Stiftung


  • Construction of toilets, bathing rooms and piped water supply systems
  • Capacity enhancement of self-governing local institutions
  • Skill upgradation towards increasing local livelihood opportunities


  • 79% families with completed WASH infrastructure have reported significant reduction in water borne diseases like Diarrhoea and skin diseases. No diarrhoeal death reported in the village after completion of the WASH infrastructure.
  • 67% of toilets and bathing rooms are regularly used and 45% cleaned regularly
  • 35% reduction in malnourishment through multiple activities including weaning food for the children above six months of age, regular use of toilet and bathing rooms, nutrition garden, increase in household income through different watershed activities and agriculture development initiatives etc.
  • 46% of the households have backyard plantation and vegetable garden indicating increased availability of nutritious food
  • Youth received skill development training in masonry and plumbing because of which they are able to find employment in the area and their income enhanced by 48-50%.
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