
Expansion of sunflower areas in rice fallows

The ‘Expansion of sunflower areas in rice fallows’ project sought to demonstrate sunflower cultivation in rice fallows on 250-hectare land. The project will identify land areas, select farmers and provide handholding support from sowing to marketing the produce. Provide capacity-building training programs for the farmers to implement the demonstration.

The project will undertake sunflower demonstration research activities in the Ganjam district.


250 hectare


Ganjam district in Odisha




November 2022 to Present


₹3.25 lakh


International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)


  • Carry out sunflower demonstrations in the rice fallows in the Ganjam district of Odisha.
  • Identify suitable land (rice fallows), select farmers and manage implementation from seeding to marketing.
  • Facilitate registration of farmers using an android-based mobile application provided by ICRISAT and submit the data.
  • Make follow-up visits and data collection from selected farmers regarding their cultivation practice and farm management.
  • Maintain all the data related to crop production, harvest, marketing and other aspects.
  • Provide handholding support to the identified farmers throughout the demonstration and organise capacity-building training programs for the farmers.
  • Work closely with the department of agriculture, Extension Officers, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Scientists and other agencies.
  • Follow the package of practices as per the suggestion of ICRISAT and Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research (IIOR) guidelines.
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